Tesla & SpaceX CEO Elon Musk once compared starting a company to eating glass and staring into the abyss of death. In a world where startups and unicorn obsession are fuelled by shows like Shark Tank, it seems like young entrepreneurs in their 20s and 30s, armed with millions of dollars in investor money, are seen as the poster boys of the entrepreneurship revolution.
They are seen as bad boys and girls & grace newspapers, trend on social media and appear to be living the dream. After all, what’s better than being your own boss and following your passion? However, beneath the glittering facade, startup founders seem to face a silent health crisis that often goes unnoticed.
There seems to be a mental and physical toll that entrepreneurship takes on these ambitious founders. It seems like behind the scenes, founders of startups are enduring immense pressure, whether they admit it or not.
The fear of failure, the quest for venture capital, the daily juggling of multiple roles and the ambitions of growth may put an extraordinary amount of strain on their physical and mental health.
And despite the growing conversations around mental health, startup founders rarely admit to terms like depression, anxiety and insomnia. But, the toll on their well-being is said to be unmistakable. Because the journey to success and riches may have these entrepreneurs trade comfort for chaos, all in the name of ambition.
Seeking professional support, creating support networks within the entrepreneurial community and fostering an empathetic work environment could be essential for these startup founders.