Cotton is said to be an important fibre and cash crop that plays a role in India’s industrial and agricultural economy. It is one of the biggest cotton producers in the world second only to China. The white fluffy part makes up only about 35% of the harvested cotton, while seeds account for 62% and waste constitutes the remaining 2%.Around 2002, Indian farmers got access to a special kind of cotton called Bt cotton. This cotton was genetically modified, which means scientists tinkered with its genes. They added some genes from a soil bacterium called Bt. Reduced cotton production could lead to higher cotton prices, which could increase the cost of production for textile manufacturers. This could affect the competitiveness of Indian textile products in the global market. And when there’s less cotton available, its price goes up. So, what can be done about this? It’s said that scientists are trying something called “mating disruption”.So, cotton seems to be important to India’s agriculture, textile sector and the economy overall. What is the future of cotton production in India?